nzta certifier for
- Accident damage
- Certification
- Corrosion
- Hail Damage
- Restoration
Bevan Marshall is appointed by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as a Specialist Certifier of Light Vehicles. As a Repair Certifier I can inspect, certify, and validate body repairs which are performed on any vehicle entering (or re-entering) the New Zealand fleet.
– Why do I need a Repair Certificate?
Any vehicle that has been imported with previous repairs, a vehicle that has been de-registered by an insurer (written-off), or a vehicle that has a lapsed registration will require a repair cert.
- All used vehicles entering or re-entering the NZ fleet will be required to go through a compliance inspection performed by a Transport Service Delivery Agent (TSDA), for example: VTNZ, AA or VINZ.
- A list of Hamilton compliance centres: – VINZ – Collins Automotive – Automotive Advantage Compliance & Inspection
- A vehicle entering the fleet for the first time, is most likely to be one that has been imported.
- A vehicle re-entering the fleet would be a vehicle where the owner has let the registration lapse or has been de-registered due to accident damage or mechanical problems.
- If an entry inspector (TSDA) finds that a vehicle has had previous repairs to the structure of the vehicle, or if there is damage to the structure of the vehicle due to impact, corrosion or metal fatigue, then the vehicle will be flagged for a Repair Certificate (LT308).
The Process
- Firstly, an initial inspection is carried out to inspect the vehicle for any previous repairs, direct or indirect damage, corrosion, or metal fatigue to any part of the structure, systems, or components of the vehicle. Damaged vehicles will need to be inspected before any stripping or repairs are started.
- A report is written outlining any repair instructions for an approved repairer before work commences. This report will also advise of any supporting evidence required.
- The repairs are to be done by an approved repairer.
- Further intermediate inspection(s)of the vehicle are required after repairs are started (but before priming/painting). To validate the repairs.
- Then lastly a final inspection of the completed repairs.
- All supporting evidence is provided and kept on file. When all repairs have been certified the LT308 (Repair Certificate) is issued. The vehicle will need to be returned to the compliance centre for a recheck and a MR2A form will be issued for the vehicle which is a permit to say that the vehicle now complies with NZ standards and is permitted to be registered for use on NZ roads.
How much will a Repair Certificate cost?
A repair certificate will cost from $460.00 + GST depending on repairs, and repair procedures. Reports are required and cost is based on the number of inspections and time spent. Once the initial inspection has been completed I will advise the client of the repairs that are required to bring the vehicle up to standard and how much the completed repair cert will cost.